

City Regeneration International Seminar was held successfully on July 17th at Archiland Tianjin office. Ecological planning experts at home and abroad have been invited to attend the seminar sharing cases of City Regeneration and Sustainable Development.

Sun Zheng, Deputy General Manager of ARCHILAND, gave an opening speech introducing status and development trend of cities. Nowadays, half of the world's population live in cities. After 2050, the urban population will be twice the rural population. Carol and Mauricio from PLACE STUDIO (Portland) shared the urban renewal history of Portland. Tian Kun, Design Director of ARCHILAND, shared the protection and renewal of the historical industrial buildings with Tianjin Tractor Factory Renovation Project as an example.

After the Seminar, reporters from exchanged opinions with experts on topics such as industry development, education in planning and architecture design, and relations between design and environment.

ARCHILAND will adhere to "Smart and Sustainable Design Strategy", strive to avoid disordered construction in the rapid urbanization and to provide world-class designs in the construction of ecological livable cities.