Letting the city melt into nature is the fervent desire of people for a better life in the contemporary context, and it is also of great significance for increasing the green carbon sink of the city and realizing the inner development of the city. The plan for Nandian Park and the surrounding area takes the existing river and woodland texture as the urban design base, builds a road skeleton and open space, delineates the scope of Nandian Park, arranges various functions, and shapes a spatial form with medium development intensity, sparseness and diversity. By practicing the concept of a new type of residential community, revitalizing industrial assets, attempting to designate small plots of land with multiple supply modes, encouraging collective land to enter the market, and exploring the efficient use of agricultural land, the plan will provide residents with an ideal home that is vibrant and sustainable, and set a new benchmark for future urban development.
Tianjin Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
Urban Planning / Development Model Study
849 HA